Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hello everyone!! I am back and in good health. My plane ride to JFK was interesting. I was sitting by a weird young man on the plane ride and he would start shaking in intervals. I was thinking he had epilepsy and was more than a little unnerved. I was afraid to look at him. When I finally did, I noticed that he had a book and was laughing inwardly about the things he was reading in the book. Instead of laughing out loud he would shake. On the way back I had to leave Newburgh at one o'clock on New Year's Day to make it to the airport for my departure at 6:50 a.m. When I got to JFK at 2:30 a.m. no one was there and I had to wait for the employees to show up and start checking luggage. When I got in and made my way to the gate it was 5:00 a.m. I waited around and bought a magazine and a book to pass the time. On the plane I was wedged between two strangers. Very awkard strangers, one of them happened to be a rather intoxicated young woman who would fall asleep on my shoulder and breathe on me. But outside of the disconcerting plane rides I had an excellent holiday. Even though I missed all of you while I was there and Arden and I wished that we could practice some of the Jorgensen traditions. Arden says hello to all of you, and misses you all. The holiday was peaceful and uneventful, but still satisfactory. I was very glad to spend time with my family and particularly my grandma, whom I hadn't seen in a year or more. We had fun shopping and getting goodies from McKinney and Doyle, the local bakery. I have some pictures of my family and the holiday in general, I do not have any pictures of the Burgoynes, I regret, but, my Aunt Tammy and her family is doing very well.

This is my brother Jesse in sacrament meeting just before christmas.

This is my little brother Dane and my mother in sacrament meeting.

Dane on my grandma's couch, as you can tell he is very upset, we call him the "Angry Little Elf."

Jesse fell on the ice outside in the yard and split his forehead. We had to take him to the ER. He had his head glued back together and bandaged.

This is my uncle Jack's son, Devin. He's almost a year old.

This is my uncle Aaron's daughter, Charlotte. She is about the same age as Devin.

This is Eden, Jack's daughter. She's almost three. She shares the same birthday as her younger brother Devin.

This is Dominick, Jack's oldest. He's six.

This is Jonathon, he's Aaron's oldest. He's almost three.

This is my grandma with her youngest grandchild, Charlotte.

Dominick on my grandma's kitchen floor.

Dane sticking his tongue out. What a naughty little thing.

Arden, Jesse and Dane at the pond up Brady Lane.

Dane right before he fell in the ice.

Arden carrying Dane home after he fell in the ice. My little brothers are very accident prone little boys. But then again, what boy isn't accident prone?

This is a cool tree in my grandma's yard.

Brambles in the forest, aka back yard.

The snow was thawing.

Stream that fed into the frozen pond.

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