Juuichigatsu Juurokunichi
Hajimemashite. Watashi wa amerikajin desu. Daigakusei desu. Anata wa gakusei desuka? Nihongo no kurasu ni ikimasu. Kyou wa samui desu. Arashi desu. Kinou, watashi wa tomodachi to kissaten ni ikimashita. Ocha wo nomimashita. Tanoshikattadesu. Ashita, eigo no tesuto ga arimasu. Konban, nihongo wo benkyoushimasu. Isogashii desu. Anata wa konshuu nani wo shimasuka? Daisuki ga ocha to nihon no resutoran desu. Kirai ga shuukudai desu. Nani ga suki desuka? Asobu ga suki desuka? Douzo yoroshiku.
Madison Jorgensen
November 16
How do you do? I am an American. I am a college student. Are you a student? I attend Japanese class. Today it is cold. There's a storm. Yesterday a friend and I went to a cafe. We drank tea. It was fun. Tomorrow I have an English test. Tonight I'm going to study Japanese. I'm busy! What are you doing this week? I like tea and Japanese restaurants, I hate home work. What do you like? Do you like to hang out? Pleased to meet you!
Madison Jorgensen
Hahaha I think it's actually kind of funny when it's translated into English!
The class was really fun and I felt like I learned a lot in a short time. I'm looking forward to taking the next level spring semester.
It's alsways so fun to read the post you put up, I just wish it would happen a little more often. I'm so impressed with the Japanese letter and I think you have reall potential for being a linguistics major. What does next semester look like, easy or difficult?
Way to go Madi. I can sing "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain" in Japanese but that's all.
Thanks Shelley! Next Semester looks like it could be both. But with the foundation that I have it's not too hard to build up. We'll see. I'm really enjoying Japanese. I might minor in it.
Kanbate ne. Nihongo wa jozu desu. Nagai aida hanashita koto ga nai kara honto ni hanashitai to omoimasu. Tanoshii mini shite imasu.
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